These are the words of an honest mother. Motherhood is the most challenging and most rewarding job I've ever had. It's not always perfect. It's not always clean. It is always entertaining.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Yay for Saturdays. Yay for dates and yay for family time. Yay for cousins that LOVE and play with our kids. Yay for the Christmas presents all ready for Saturday's madness. We are so blessed to be healthy and celebrating life together. It is the ultimate gift.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Time, My Friend
The 16 year old girls were standing there talking about NOTHING and doing so with dramatic tones. I started to lose concentration and think about dinner, the dishes, Christmas presents, the things. The story was about some guy in her health class that is suicidal. That should keep my interest, but alas, no. I didn't even perk up when she told me about the outfit she bought....oh yeah, I never really cared about that stuff. Shoes and hats, yes. Outfits, no. I felt the age gap and don't get me wrong, I really didn't mind. I realized finally why I hear so many people say that they wouldn't go back for a million dollars.
At 16 you are so resolute and so ignorant. I remember. You do a report on something and then you "know" all about it. Yeah, right. There are life experiences that go so much further than books ever will. And, it's nothing you would wish on a 16 yr old. Truthfully, they will learn it in time and no need to be in a hurry. But to identify with stories about boyfriends and classes and outfits....ahhh, it's leaving me. I would rather hear about my 6 yr old's dream. I would rather listen to my 2 yr old sing that funny song about the dog again. Kids don't recite another adult's idea back to you. They have their own way of thinking and their own way of expressing it and it's always new and exciting.
I have doubled my age since I was 17. That is very weird. I am around the same age that my Mom was when she had her 4th child. My oldest daughter is the same age that Trav's little brother was when she was born. He's 16 now. That's how old Travis was when I met him. When I started dating Travis, that same little brother was 2! Travis and I will be together LONGER than we've been apart in 4 more years! I will be 38 then and my little fat baby will be 6. Time is the strangest phenomenon ever. I don't understand it. It is graceful, kind, mean, and unforgiving. It just is.
I don't want to get old and saggy and humped over and lose hair where it should be and get it where it shouldn't. I don't want big ears and a really big nose. I don't want to be close to death. I don't want to cut and perm my hair and wear stockings and nurses shoes.
I think I will let it grow long and gray like a witch and wear moccasins and hippie dresses. I will listen to loud music and drive a datsun pickup and have lots of books and smoke a long professor pipe. I will have sunshine all the time, if we have to move our tipi to get it. I will sit with my old man by the river and jump in even at risk of a heart attack. I will pat my dog on the head and feed him deer steak and let him sleep at the foot of our bed. I will have lots of grand kids that are too loud and I will feed them honey toast and bananas. I will tell them stories of when me and Gramps were young. I will tell them all of the funny things that their mothers used to do when they were little. We will stay up late by the fire and we will travel around in a funny little motor home. I will stop and pick fruit at every tree I see and will pull over for every garage sale...just to "look". I will wait for my husband while he reminisces with old friends at the hardware store and I will look at the paper with him over coffee.
I guess it won't be so bad. I guess, if I live every day RIGHT NOW, like I won't ever get it back then I will have no regrets and I will leave no stone unturned and no fun un-done. I will leave a legacy behind me. That's what parents do. That is our creation; our masterpiece. And look at all those beautiful colors!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Happy is Healthy
In the bible it says that the eyes of man, and fire, are two things that are never satisfied. ( I'm paraphrasing here.) I would add to that dirty dishes, floors, bathrooms, and clothes. Messes are endless. Sometimes I do a counting game. How many loads of dishes have I done in my life? I'm 34 so thats....hmm....let's see. It's not a very comforting game. So then I play a new game called, "Take It ONE Day at a Time". That makes me feel much better about the whole thing.
It's all about balance...once again. Aaaah, the mantra of my life, that just won't leave. I am an extreme person so the moderation thing doesn't always come naturally for me. But there in lies the peace. If you are a clean nazi, then your little soldiers don't see much of your nice side. And if you are never picking up a mess, then chances are, neither will anyone else. The gray area is my friend. I clean when no one is awake. I clean on school lunch break. I clean before, during and after dinner and guess what.....I found out that 6 and 8 year olds are great on dish duty, floors, laundry folding, and cupboard organization.
Health is the same way. For as long as I have been into herbs and good food, I have prayed for a balance. Food can be like a religion. I have been on all sides of this fence and I can tell you that just because you eat "perfectly" doesn't mean you are the healthiest, most well rounded person you can be. There is more to health than food. But it DOES matter. When I make a celebration out of my meals and when we sit down as a family and enjoy garden fresh food we all feel GREAT. It does make a difference in my health when I quit making my mouth a garbage disposal!
I was on a cleansing-fasting-veggie spree, a couple years back, and was busily scribbling a list for the store. Out loud I said, "bananas, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, almonds, sprouts, avocados...." Hannah, who was 5 at the time, said, "Mom....put bacon and sausage on that list. I want some pig in this house!" And you know what, after I got up off of the floor in my fit of hysterical laughter, I put pig on the list. Yes, I've read all of the BAD things about pigs and yes I know how gross slaughter houses are, but when it's all said and done.....nothing beats the smell of bacon on Sunday morning!
Happy thoughts are just as cleansing as a juice fast. Thinking is the one thing we do ALL of the time. We never DON'T think. So it must be one of the most important things to keep on the positive. What we think and say becomes who we are. But, I can find humour in many situations, and sometimes it IS at the expense of my fellow man. So is that positive or negative thinking? Where is the balance? I suppose it comes back to what Mama always says, "If what you say will hurt someone....say it really quietly." WAIT! That's not what Mama said! But the human race is just plain FUNNY sometimes. And things are A LOT funny when I exaggerate them and stretch them into a sarcastic web of silly. It makes life more like a movie and then it becomes distant enough for me to laugh about. That must be positive thinking because the spirit of that thought is well meant. To laugh and feel good among all the stresses of life, is good medicine.
The opposite of this good natured fun is the Jr. High locker room. It is the most vicious place on the planet. You are either making fun of someone or being made fun of. I have been on both ends. It never really felt good. It's pretty simple: we are all the same and what hurts us usually hurts other people. We want to be understood, liked and laughed WITH...not AT. It is all so precarious. One minute you think yours doesn't stink and the stepped in it. We all do dumb things. She's not better than me, and I'm no better than her. I'm simply jealous because her shoes are cuter than mine!
There are a handful of positives that make up a healthy human being. Good food (that my great Grammy would recognize), good sleep (including naps), fresh water (this means more than morning coffee and evening beer), walking and running and playing in the fresh air and sunshine, and not letting the stress of every single day weigh you down with it's unreality. Because, it always works out in the end. No matter what! I really tend to think about this more at the beginning of the year. We are a completely new person every 11 months or so. Science "says" that our cells are all new and regenerated in that time. So what we eat, think, and do make up our "new" body.
If we listen our bodies tell us just what they need. My body needs veggie sandwiches on sprouted bread, fresh fruit and spring water. My mouth needs cheese, wine, chocolate, (and sometimes pig). My legs need a walk in the mountains. My soul needs a campfire and laughter and talks with my Travis. My arms need babies to hold. My nose needs to smell cookies in the oven...once in awhile. My eyes need a beautiful sunset and lots of color. My ears need music and the sound of my people on the phone. My mind needs books and art and thoughts on God and the mysteries of the world. My heart needs to feel love and give love and give some more. My soul needs the silent times to be filled again so I have some more to give....just when I think it's all used up.
My New Years resolution: To listen closely to my spirit and my body and not let the one overpower the other and to enjoy, love and live this year like it's my first....not my last!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
This Little Light of Mine
None of us want to be nagged and pulled and disrespected into necessary change. We want to do it ourselves. Or we want to NOT do it. There is no logic in the control we try to possess over other people in our lives.
Marriage and Parenthood are two of the hardest things we will ever do. We ask more out of our spouse and children than we would EVER ask of anyone else. We can't force these people into compliance. And we shouldn't want to. The only choices we have complete control over, are our own.
I grew up in church. Many of the sermons were based on loving your neighbor, doing unto others, and witnessing. I used to get this guilty feeling every time they talked about witnessing and sharing my little light with others. It made me think of missionaries and martyrs and door to door salesman. I tried one time, in elementary, to save my fellow student who was rocking Def Leppard in her walkman. I told her she was going to hell if she listened to rock and roll. She turned really red, marched away, told everyone else how weird I was, and didn't talk to me for awhile. I don't know what I expected her to do. Maybe say, "Thanks! I didn't know that. Let me now burn my entire big hair collection." I knew I wasn't meant to be a missionary....or a salesman.
Is that what loving your neighbor is about? Is that witnessing and sharing my little light? No. That is not love. Rock and Roll will not take you to meet the Devil one day. It may lead to premarital sex, but my guess is that those two 16 yr olds were already thinking about that before Led Zeppelin sang, "Whole Lotta Love".
Witnessing is sharing TRUTH through your actions and your words. The people that I am supposed to love and treat like I want to be treated, are my family. My husband and my three daughters. These are my "neighbors", first and foremost. I don't have to get into a tiny boat and row off to a cannibalistic island with some bible tracks. I don't have to try and solve all of my friends problems and start a charity for three legged dogs. The love I have to give is, daily and unconditionally, to these 4 people that surround me. I effect, 100%, how their day will go. If I wake up full of negativity then my house reeks of it and no one is at peace. Our job on this planet is to LOVE.
This is often harder with the people you are closest to. Have you ever noticed that? It's easier, some days, to speak kindly to the post man than it is to your spouse. It's like, all day long we give out and give out and stifle our outbursts and keep simmered until we get home and let our guard down. Then we give em what we got left, which isn't much on a bad day, and expect them to deal with it. Life is so strange. I want to be the most patient and perfect wife and mother alive. But, honestly, I think I'm getting MORE stubborn as the years roll by. I suppose if some understanding grows along with my sassy side then it will all be balanced and no one will have to go through therapy.
But my intentions are OH SO good. The one thing that saves me at the end of the day is my honesty. It may have gotten a little rough around nap time. It may not have gone perfectly when the 6 yr old spilled the entire jug of o.j. on the floor. I may have lost my temper. I may have forgotten to count to 10 before reacting. But in the same instant I floundered, I righted back topside and said, "I am sorry. Mommy does stuff like that all the time. It was an accident. I love you very much.....can you please go get the mop?"
It is weakness to lash out. It is fear based to try and force compliance. I don't believe in it. Their will is their Spirit. This is what I love so much about them, so why would I want to bend and break that. Little kids are JUST like adults, but they don't have understanding and control over their emotions. They really don't even know why they do what they do, half of the time. It's our job to help them understand this. It's our job to be on their side while they are in their unfolding stage.
I am not saying that the kids make the rules. Obviously I have lived on this earth for 34 yrs and my 8 yr old doesn't know how to drive yet. There are also things that I will not tolerate and actions that are unacceptable in Camp Hollon. But, we all want to be liked and accepted. Our actions don't make up the entirety of our being. It is no more correct for me to bully them than it is to let them bully me.
I had a revelation while we were camping up River a couple yrs ago. I was headed up to the truck, for the 56th time, getting more "stuff" to make the kids comfy. On the way back down the hill my 3 yr old shouted, "Mom, I have to go poop!" I dropped the "stuff", held her hand, and headed up the hill for the 57th time. I realized...I am their leader and I am their servant. That is a heavy responsibility. There should be total trust there. Strength lies in weakness at times. The more "in charge" we try to be, the smaller we become. Our voices are heard in the stillness. The quiet and centered calm Mama. Oh, yes. That will be my mantra today. I want to be the still small voice. Not the fire, wind, and storm raging away.
On that same beach that we were camped on is a huge pine tree. (In fact it's the very tree that Travis and I were married under.) The roots on that tree are amazing. They stick right out of the sand. They had to move some boulders slowly, over time, and the water has tried to wash away at them year after year. They hold onto almost nothing, it seems. And yet that tree grows strong and true. That's how I want to be. I want to sway in the wind and not break. I want to move the obstacles in my life with gentle pressure and constant give. (And smelling like pine would be fine.)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Surviving The Jollies
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
~You are in your sweats at noon, but the baby is dressed.
~You always have food in your purse and it's not for you.
~You have white milk puke on your shoulder and are immune to the smell.
~Your car has more crackers and juice boxes in it, than cd's.
~The song stuck in your head is from a Disney movie, not a juke box.
~Ten minutes of alone time is like an hour.
~You go visit people you have nothing in common with, JUST because they have kids.
~You have quickies in the bathroom, and not because it's kinky.
~You make dinner when you're not even hungry.
~Your lunch is crusts of pbj and leftover bites of apples.
~You consider grocery shopping an outing.
~You wake up at 5am just to read a book.
~A good workout is getting your kids dressed to go out and play in the snow.
~You don't sleep in past 7am even if you want to.
~You think of yogurt as a meal.
~You can kiss a drooly mouth without even flinching.
~You think about poopoo more than you ever have in your life.
~You hold your pee for an hour just so the baby will fall asleep.
~You use an extension cord for your baby monitor just so you can stay up with the adults.
~You have cat like reflexes without meaning to.
~Getting ready to leave the house takes you an least.
~You can do ANYTHING with one arm.
~You wear the necklace that lil' sweetheart made you, JUST to make her smile.
~Christmas is more expensive than the mortgage.
~Lightsockets become a hazardous part of the house.
~Beer for breakfast is medicinal...not just fun.
~People look at you with the "I-feel-sorry-for-you" look when you unload 3 kids out of the car.
~After Halloween you understand a drug addict completely!
~You can change a diaper, snap up your nursing bra, and unbuckle a car seat in under a minute.
~A "nooner" means a nap.
~Instead of kissing your hubby when he comes in the door, you hand him a baby.
~Cleaning the house is like a military drill.
~A clean house isn't what it used to be.
~All you want for your birthday is paper plates and disposable utensils.
~Foreplay is shutting the alarm clock off.
~You spell every 5th word you say.
~Your walls are decorated with sticky handprints and markers.
~You have mad referee skills.
~You cut your husbands pancakes into small bites.
~You will hand a lighted flare the screaming baby in the carseat, just to have 2 seconds of quiet.
~You boss other people's kids around.
~"No" is your second language.
~You take more pictures than you ever have in your life....of one outing.
~You wonder what being "bored" would look like.
~You feel more frustration and love at the same time than ever before.
~You actually get yelled at for trying to help someone.
~Clean shirts last about 5 minutes.
~You can't get anything done, even though you are TRYING!
~You clean up the restaurant floor and wipe the waiter's face before leaving!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The country mouse ate the city mouse....
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What goes in..... MUST COME OUT NOW!!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Where There's a will.......there's a crazy kid with that look in her eye!
So here I am in the throws of mommyhood. Homeschooling three girls. Third grade, first grade, and pre-pre-school boot camp. It's all about preperation and you can never quite be prepared. The moment I get it all written down....this beautifully scripted plan for the day, written on perfectly clean white paper, with my favorite all goes awry. WHY? Could it be that the lessons we are learning together aren't just about arithmetic? Could it be that the reason I homeschool is not just to taint their world view with my hill billy hippieness? I know that it is a bonding and love lesson that we are all going through. If we can get along, if we can share and give, if we can talk and not yell...we are learning some of the most important lessons in life. LOVE. PATIENCE. KINDNESS. UNDERSTANDING. Maybe today we can keep our sanity. Maybe the "list" should look something like this:
1. wake up whining and sit on mommy's lap shoving baby on floor.
2. help baby up and say "I'm sorry", and mean it.
3. help make breakfast and forgive yourself for spilling the oats on the floor.
4. fight with sissy over who gets the stool next to the heater, but forgive her for hitting you.
5. get out school books and whine about what to draw for language arts.
6. take 15 minutes upstairs to think about appriciation and come down and try again.
7. forgive mommy for saying "UUUUGGHHHH" like a highschool girl because you are whining about it....AGAIN!
8. make lunch...yay!
9. go for walk and take recycle and trash down to dumpster after fighting over who is carrying the heaviest bag.(REALLY!?)
10. say sorry for hitting and stop crying. we all have to carry a bag, get over it!
11. come back and work on math sums....with no quarreling?
12. nap time....yay!
13. dinner prep, kick big kids outside to climb trees and chase helpless animals, and put on Robin Hood for the 2 yr old AFTER she helps clean up the mass mess of toys on the living room floor, picks up the salt shaker she's licking, and goes pee pee NOT in her pants.......whew!
If a list looked like this then maybe it would be more like, "ALRIGHT! I'm doin pretty good today!! Check it off, check it off! Man, I'm organized!! Look at us go! We are really getting stuff done, I tell you!!" (As I tell the girls.."This is called sarcasm.")
This is truly my lesson: Don't expect a day to be "perfect". They are all perfect in their own imperfect way. SLOW down, hold the babies and enjoy the sunshine on your face...or the rain on the window. Play in the dirt with them and know that THAT IS "getting something done".