These are the words of an honest mother. Motherhood is the most challenging and most rewarding job I've ever had. It's not always perfect. It's not always clean. It is always entertaining.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Good Lovin'
In a perfect world there would be no war, no famine, no divorce, no hate crimes, and no flat tires. My clean shirt would stay clean....all day. Relationships would be easy and my job would include a paycheck. Because sanity ain't cheap! And that's what I do. I'm the sanity super hero. I could eat Dr. Phil for breakfast!
My little clan is always on the verge of bodily, emotional, or mental disaster. And to keep that in check I must juggle my bag of tricks around and around and around. I must calmly remove the scissors from the 2 yr old, with the sucker in her mouth, that is running through the house drooling. I must remind the crying 6 year old that we can fix her necklace and it is NOT the end of the world. I have to stay patient while the 8 yr old interrupts me, yet again, during math class to tell me she doesn't understand what we have been working on for 15 minutes, even though I've explained it EVERY way I can think of. And, all of this while mantaining a vibrant relationship with the man of my irreplacable husband.
Why is it so hard sometimes? It all seems so easy at 20, when all of the "hard" stuff is just a theory that some elderly lady is telling you will happen one day. "Oh, yeah. No, problem. I'm sure it will be hard, but we can do it."
And we CAN do it. And it will work. But, is it hard? Yes, because, when all is said and done...there is a lot more work than play when you are a "real" adult. Bills don't stop coming in the mail. Kids don't sleep through the night for the first......10 years. And date night is a MUST even when we both feel like sitting on the couch and watching Little Mermaid for the fourteenth time.
I am sick of the Mars and Venus style books about men and women. All of them focus on how different the sexes are. The similarities are overlooked a lot. We ALL want attention and interest given when we are explaining how our day went, wether it's about bridge embutments or the 5 yr old losing her first tooth. We all want to be heard and found interesting. It's universal. It's simple. It's almost impossible some days! We all want to be left alone and we all want to NOT be left alone. We all want to be attractive and we all want to find someone attractive. We all want to have a little money to spend on stuff and not to have to explain why. (Grocery money DOES NOT count!) We all want to have friends to laugh with. We all want to be that friend to each other. We don't want a cerfew. We don't want to feel like we are living at home with Mom and Dad. We are free humans. But it's very tempting to try and exercise some strange sort of control over our mate because EVERYTHING they do effects us.
It's hard to share everything. Ask my 2 yr old. It's engrained in us to want it to ourselves! It's not natural to's supernatural. And that's what LOVE is all about. When we are in the courting stage it's pretty easy. Because we show off the best of the best. But after a time, we all get selfish. That's the stuff to work on. That's the stuff that makes or breaks us. And I want to make it! I want to be best friends and I want to treat my Husband like he's the coolest dude on earth, because he IS. We chose each other out of all the rest. That's amazing. Somewhere along the way our paths brought us to the same little canyon town in Riggins, Idaho and we met and made beautiful children!
So as the heat rises in my chest because I made dinner and it's getting cold and I'm waiting, wondering what's taking him so long to get home. And as I'm imagining that he's probably off with someone about horn hunting and I am wanting a break from the last 13 hrs of being super-mommy-doctor-psychologist...I remind myself again that the only change I can make in this situation is my attutude. And when he gets back and I find out he had to work an extra hour and then stopped to pick up a movie and ice cream for the kids after paying a bill.....I can tuck my tail and sheepishly say..."Hi, honey! Would you like me to warm up your plate?"
This all seems so personal, but it's really not. We ALL go through it. That is why Oprah even has a job! It is the reason that The Eagles had so many #1 hits. It is the cause of Danielle Steele selling millions of mushy steamy novels to housewives. It is why beer sales soar at the end of long work weeks. It is the reason Shakespear killed off so many people in his stories they made us read in highschool. Love saves us and drives us insane!
If we could remember the simple rules that we used at the beginning of the relationship we'd be just fine:
Maintain eye contact and genuine interest in what your partner is saying.
Hold hands all the time.
Write each other love notes.
Make each other tapes....(okay, it's cd's now)...with all the good love songs.
Go on drives.
Snuggle all night long.
Laugh at the little things that go wrong.
Don't get mad.
Tell each other that you love each other....and mean it.
Hold your farts.
Laugh if you forget to hold them!
Watch movies that your partner likes even if they are not your favorite.
Share the remote.
Don't interrupt.
Act like you havn't heard EVERY single story that they have to tell.
Go everywhere together.
Brag about how cool they are.
It's all these little things that we did at the beginning of our lives together that bonded us and made us the best of friends. I overlooked any imperfections. That's how I want my husband to look at me. Remember how it really is beneath all the day to day hum drum. It's magical!
Travis and I were at a fair in a small town in Northern Idaho, in our 20's, when we'd only been together a year or so. We met this old, smiley little couple that were celebrating their 60 year anniversary. We loved them right away. The live music was so loud and they were just tapping their feet and truly enjoying everything and everybody. We asked them, "So what is the secret to staying together, happily married for 60 years?" The old man said, "Laughter. Just laugh about it all and don't get mad." And his wife added, "And, you've gotta talk about things. Let each other know how you feel."
I kept that in my heart that night. Travis and I talked about them a lot after that. I want to be that way. Happy and open and truthful. I want to be 85 and enjoying a lifetime of being together and raising our children and seeing them grow and listening to live music with my hearing aid turned on high. I want to see a legacy of love grow from two kids that really didn't know how hard it would be...or how worth it. And man is it worth it!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Rules, Regulations, and Utter Chaos
It's not anybody's fault, so don't apologize. Just because I have this crazy stressed out eye twitch going on, like the uni bomber, and my lower lip is trembling like a school girl. No, please, don't feel at fault. It was my choice to try and do it ALL today. And yes, I know, RV parks have rules. Living in a 5th wheel has its challenges, I must say.`
I had left the camper with 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 leash, 4 coats, 2 pairs of gloves, a laptop, 2 elementary workbooks, 10 crayons, 2 pencils, a bag of laundry, a pocket of quarters, a bag of soap, the keys to the door, a blanket for the littlest one, a stroller to shove it all on-in-under-around, 1 bike pump, and 2 scooters....whew!
I had a well thought out plan. It was executed in tactical precision. I started the laundry first, taking the baby out of the stroller so she could help put in the quarters and soap, while the big girls circled us like sharks on their scooters. After this we headed out of the RV park to the "trail", with little highway lines painted on it so you know which side to walk on, so we could let the dog do his business and not worry about the little poo bag that city people use...(please, God, never lead me too far from grass and trees!). Then we headed back with perfect timing, to switch the wash loads.
It was upon our return to the office/laundromat that the catastrophe unravelled itself. Tenesee escaped from me after "helping" me push the start button on the dryer. Charlee Beth was around the building and I heard her start crying and yelling. I ran around the corner in time to see her run around the other corner calling my name in blood curdling shrieks that I yearned to mute with a magic remote. I turned on my heel and sped back the other way, pulling the wee one behind me by her arm. I ran into Hannah around the corner who ran away from me to go help her crying sister. I let out a string of words that were not calm and peaceful, but thankfully still under my breath at this point.
The huge full sized windows, running the length of the RV park office, were framing us perfectly this whole time. Boy, what a show.
I scooped up the baby and cornered the building to find Charlee piggy back on Hannah. The drama?...a scraped finger from a scooter crash. Wow. So we all hugged and I reprimanded and the sympathies went out to the injured sister as we made our way to the office, so I could get wifi reception and finally check my email, while the clothes dried.
We piled through the door and I tried to look less stressed than I felt and totally in control of my out of control situation. A stout lady with huge glasses and a grimace on her face stood watch at the front desk. She had one of those short hair cuts with an 8 inch long piece of hair hanging down in the back. I hadn't seen one of those since 1988. She waited until I got all of my belongings lugged through the door and was almost into the sitting room and then she let out a whiney, "OHhhhh....are you going to leave your dog out there?"
Oh, man! My dog! Oops.
I replied something about how I had a leash for him but had forgotten to put it back on and she said something about how he could cause harm to the other residents here and couldn't be left unattended even if he was on a leash. (Yes, he may just lick them to death!) Then I said something about how it figured and she said something about how she was sorry but it was just the rules and nothing personal.
She WAS sorry and so was I. I know the rules. I just wanted it all to work out differently than that. I wanted it to be easy. And, I think we were both sorry for two completely different reasons.
So, I turned around with all the kids, the smilingly dangerous dog, wheels of all shapes and sizes, the blanket and the coats with the children loudly asking questions that I wished they would WAIT to ask. We walked the quarter mile back to the camper to tie the dog up. Back to the far end of the park where I get no wifi service even though it's advertised on the website, flyer, and sign....which is the WHOLE reason I had to barge into their quiet little office in the first place!
But I retreated calmly and matter-of-factly. No cussing the lady with the hair tail, or the runaway baby, or the scraped finger, or the dog with the silly ears...because it's nobody's fault, really.
And what else do we have to do today, besides have a good lesson in patience, in learning to slow down, and loving our fellowman regardless of false advertisement and unsympathetic tones.
So we finally made it back to the office with no dog and a lighter load. I entered boldly even though I knew, that before it was all said and done, I'd be ticking them off once again. And the big kids did their math, language, and handwriting. Tenesee stole the door muffler and played "snake" with it and only cried once and screamed twice. And I?...well, I checked my email and my Facebook and made all the contacts I needed to make...and got a good idea for an article.
So the mantra is: Let my soul be steeled against frowns and open to smiles, and may my smile be the biggest one of all.
Oh, excuse me, there's a knock on the door. It's just the manager here to tell me that my dog is off the leash again....oh well. Better put on that smile!
I had left the camper with 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 leash, 4 coats, 2 pairs of gloves, a laptop, 2 elementary workbooks, 10 crayons, 2 pencils, a bag of laundry, a pocket of quarters, a bag of soap, the keys to the door, a blanket for the littlest one, a stroller to shove it all on-in-under-around, 1 bike pump, and 2 scooters....whew!
I had a well thought out plan. It was executed in tactical precision. I started the laundry first, taking the baby out of the stroller so she could help put in the quarters and soap, while the big girls circled us like sharks on their scooters. After this we headed out of the RV park to the "trail", with little highway lines painted on it so you know which side to walk on, so we could let the dog do his business and not worry about the little poo bag that city people use...(please, God, never lead me too far from grass and trees!). Then we headed back with perfect timing, to switch the wash loads.
It was upon our return to the office/laundromat that the catastrophe unravelled itself. Tenesee escaped from me after "helping" me push the start button on the dryer. Charlee Beth was around the building and I heard her start crying and yelling. I ran around the corner in time to see her run around the other corner calling my name in blood curdling shrieks that I yearned to mute with a magic remote. I turned on my heel and sped back the other way, pulling the wee one behind me by her arm. I ran into Hannah around the corner who ran away from me to go help her crying sister. I let out a string of words that were not calm and peaceful, but thankfully still under my breath at this point.
The huge full sized windows, running the length of the RV park office, were framing us perfectly this whole time. Boy, what a show.
I scooped up the baby and cornered the building to find Charlee piggy back on Hannah. The drama?...a scraped finger from a scooter crash. Wow. So we all hugged and I reprimanded and the sympathies went out to the injured sister as we made our way to the office, so I could get wifi reception and finally check my email, while the clothes dried.
We piled through the door and I tried to look less stressed than I felt and totally in control of my out of control situation. A stout lady with huge glasses and a grimace on her face stood watch at the front desk. She had one of those short hair cuts with an 8 inch long piece of hair hanging down in the back. I hadn't seen one of those since 1988. She waited until I got all of my belongings lugged through the door and was almost into the sitting room and then she let out a whiney, "OHhhhh....are you going to leave your dog out there?"
Oh, man! My dog! Oops.
I replied something about how I had a leash for him but had forgotten to put it back on and she said something about how he could cause harm to the other residents here and couldn't be left unattended even if he was on a leash. (Yes, he may just lick them to death!) Then I said something about how it figured and she said something about how she was sorry but it was just the rules and nothing personal.
She WAS sorry and so was I. I know the rules. I just wanted it all to work out differently than that. I wanted it to be easy. And, I think we were both sorry for two completely different reasons.
So, I turned around with all the kids, the smilingly dangerous dog, wheels of all shapes and sizes, the blanket and the coats with the children loudly asking questions that I wished they would WAIT to ask. We walked the quarter mile back to the camper to tie the dog up. Back to the far end of the park where I get no wifi service even though it's advertised on the website, flyer, and sign....which is the WHOLE reason I had to barge into their quiet little office in the first place!
But I retreated calmly and matter-of-factly. No cussing the lady with the hair tail, or the runaway baby, or the scraped finger, or the dog with the silly ears...because it's nobody's fault, really.
And what else do we have to do today, besides have a good lesson in patience, in learning to slow down, and loving our fellowman regardless of false advertisement and unsympathetic tones.
So we finally made it back to the office with no dog and a lighter load. I entered boldly even though I knew, that before it was all said and done, I'd be ticking them off once again. And the big kids did their math, language, and handwriting. Tenesee stole the door muffler and played "snake" with it and only cried once and screamed twice. And I?...well, I checked my email and my Facebook and made all the contacts I needed to make...and got a good idea for an article.
So the mantra is: Let my soul be steeled against frowns and open to smiles, and may my smile be the biggest one of all.
Oh, excuse me, there's a knock on the door. It's just the manager here to tell me that my dog is off the leash again....oh well. Better put on that smile!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I AM a Beautiful Woman!
I have a fat roll that has a stubborn personality. It's like a 4th child....
I am a beautiful woman.
I can't concentrate on something longer than 30 seconds because of the kid chaos in my life....
I am a beautiful woman.
I have boobs that look NOTHING like they did when I was 17....
I am a beautiful woman.
I have hair that must stay in a bun most times so that it doesn't end up in the dinner.....
I am a beautiful woman.
I wear sweats until 10 am sometimes, just so all the chores can get done...
I am a beautiful woman.
I have tired eyes in the morning after staying up all night with the sick baby...
I am a beautiful woman.
I can't hear what adults are saying to me because my children are running, yelling, and crazy....
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't take the time to shave when we are on the road for a week at a time....
I am a beautiful woman.
I have garlic breath after making a load of pesto with basil that I MUST use up...
I am a beautiful woman.
My heels are cracked from wearing flip flops almost year round.....
I am a beautiful woman.
My fingernails are chewed down and I have a writing callous...
I am a beautiful woman.
I yell to the wind outside the camper, when all seems too much for me...
I am a beautiful woman.
My fingers have splits from 3 loads of dishes plus, daily...
I am a beautiful woman.
I look nothing like the women on People magazine...
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't wear make-up or product in my hair...
I am a beautiful woman.
I get a crazy look in my eye just trying to get from my truck to the store with 3 kids (sometimes)...
I am a beautiful woman.
I can grow rosemary and sage and use them in food and herbal remedies...
I am a beautiful woman.
I have strong fingers that play the guitar and a voice to sing my babies to sleep...
I am a beautiful woman.
I find pleasure in the smiles and laughter of my darling children...
I am a beautiful woman.
I pack on more than the accepted 25 lbs when I carry the love babies we make...
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't exercise everyday, like I should...
I am a beautiful woman.
I talk too much when I should just be listening...
I am a beautiful woman.
I get zits, even though I'm 34...
I am a beautiful woman.
I have stretch marks..
I am a beautiful woman.
I have hair on my face, damn it!...
I am a beautiful woman.
I eat too much cheese and pasta and lil' smokeys...sometimes...
I am a beautiful woman.
I can make a mean meal out of almost nothing...
I am a beautiful woman.
I like to watch Anne of Green Gables and cry...
I am a beautiful woman.
I like to read books about how we are divine creatures, full of endless potential...
I am a beautiful woman.
I sweat when I clean my house...
I am a beautiful woman.
My feet are almost size 9...
I am a beautiful woman.
I gave birth at home; scared, brave, in pain, and in ecstacy with my loving family all around me...
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't feel like a beautiful woman, most days...
I am a beautiful woman.
It is eminently easy for me to see the beauty in my girlfriends who are mothers, kidless, wives, single, thick, thin, stylish, natural, career ladies, stay at home gardeners, creative minds, simple comedians, with endless wonder....... and they remind me that.....
I am a beautiful woman.
I am a beautiful woman.
I can't concentrate on something longer than 30 seconds because of the kid chaos in my life....
I am a beautiful woman.
I have boobs that look NOTHING like they did when I was 17....
I am a beautiful woman.
I have hair that must stay in a bun most times so that it doesn't end up in the dinner.....
I am a beautiful woman.
I wear sweats until 10 am sometimes, just so all the chores can get done...
I am a beautiful woman.
I have tired eyes in the morning after staying up all night with the sick baby...
I am a beautiful woman.
I can't hear what adults are saying to me because my children are running, yelling, and crazy....
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't take the time to shave when we are on the road for a week at a time....
I am a beautiful woman.
I have garlic breath after making a load of pesto with basil that I MUST use up...
I am a beautiful woman.
My heels are cracked from wearing flip flops almost year round.....
I am a beautiful woman.
My fingernails are chewed down and I have a writing callous...
I am a beautiful woman.
I yell to the wind outside the camper, when all seems too much for me...
I am a beautiful woman.
My fingers have splits from 3 loads of dishes plus, daily...
I am a beautiful woman.
I look nothing like the women on People magazine...
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't wear make-up or product in my hair...
I am a beautiful woman.
I get a crazy look in my eye just trying to get from my truck to the store with 3 kids (sometimes)...
I am a beautiful woman.
I can grow rosemary and sage and use them in food and herbal remedies...
I am a beautiful woman.
I have strong fingers that play the guitar and a voice to sing my babies to sleep...
I am a beautiful woman.
I find pleasure in the smiles and laughter of my darling children...
I am a beautiful woman.
I pack on more than the accepted 25 lbs when I carry the love babies we make...
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't exercise everyday, like I should...
I am a beautiful woman.
I talk too much when I should just be listening...
I am a beautiful woman.
I get zits, even though I'm 34...
I am a beautiful woman.
I have stretch marks..
I am a beautiful woman.
I have hair on my face, damn it!...
I am a beautiful woman.
I eat too much cheese and pasta and lil' smokeys...sometimes...
I am a beautiful woman.
I can make a mean meal out of almost nothing...
I am a beautiful woman.
I like to watch Anne of Green Gables and cry...
I am a beautiful woman.
I like to read books about how we are divine creatures, full of endless potential...
I am a beautiful woman.
I sweat when I clean my house...
I am a beautiful woman.
My feet are almost size 9...
I am a beautiful woman.
I gave birth at home; scared, brave, in pain, and in ecstacy with my loving family all around me...
I am a beautiful woman.
I don't feel like a beautiful woman, most days...
I am a beautiful woman.
It is eminently easy for me to see the beauty in my girlfriends who are mothers, kidless, wives, single, thick, thin, stylish, natural, career ladies, stay at home gardeners, creative minds, simple comedians, with endless wonder....... and they remind me that.....
I am a beautiful woman.
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