Wednesday, November 17, 2010



~You are in your sweats at noon, but the baby is dressed.

~You always have food in your purse and it's not for you.

~You have white milk puke on your shoulder and are immune to the smell.

~Your car has more crackers and juice boxes in it, than cd's.

~The song stuck in your head is from a Disney movie, not a juke box.

~Ten minutes of alone time is like an hour.

~You go visit people you have nothing in common with, JUST because they have kids.

~You have quickies in the bathroom, and not because it's kinky.

~You make dinner when you're not even hungry.

~Your lunch is crusts of pbj and leftover bites of apples.

~You consider grocery shopping an outing.

~You wake up at 5am just to read a book.

~A good workout is getting your kids dressed to go out and play in the snow.

~You don't sleep in past 7am even if you want to.

~You think of yogurt as a meal.

~You can kiss a drooly mouth without even flinching.

~You think about poopoo more than you ever have in your life.

~You hold your pee for an hour just so the baby will fall asleep.

~You use an extension cord for your baby monitor just so you can stay up with the adults.

~You have cat like reflexes without meaning to.

~Getting ready to leave the house takes you an least.

~You can do ANYTHING with one arm.

~You wear the necklace that lil' sweetheart made you, JUST to make her smile.

~Christmas is more expensive than the mortgage.

~Lightsockets become a hazardous part of the house.

~Beer for breakfast is medicinal...not just fun.

~People look at you with the "I-feel-sorry-for-you" look when you unload 3 kids out of the car.

~After Halloween you understand a drug addict completely!

~You can change a diaper, snap up your nursing bra, and unbuckle a car seat in under a minute.

~A "nooner" means a nap.

~Instead of kissing your hubby when he comes in the door, you hand him a baby.

~Cleaning the house is like a military drill.

~A clean house isn't what it used to be.

~All you want for your birthday is paper plates and disposable utensils.

~Foreplay is shutting the alarm clock off.

~You spell every 5th word you say.

~Your walls are decorated with sticky handprints and markers.

~You have mad referee skills.

~You cut your husbands pancakes into small bites.

~You will hand a lighted flare the screaming baby in the carseat, just to have 2 seconds of quiet.

~You boss other people's kids around.

~"No" is your second language.

~You take more pictures than you ever have in your life....of one outing.

~You wonder what being "bored" would look like.

~You feel more frustration and love at the same time than ever before.

~You actually get yelled at for trying to help someone.

~Clean shirts last about 5 minutes.

~You can't get anything done, even though you are TRYING!

~You clean up the restaurant floor and wipe the waiter's face before leaving!


Missy Lou said...

You made me laugh this morning! I read your random truths and you made me cry, we miss you all~

Unknown said...

Hey, buddy
Just got into town after a few months, got a Current, and there giving me advice how to raise my kids:Shosh........
So the gypsies are on the move.Can't catch up with you.We're headin' to the desert soon:Barstow. Might pass thru your country.Maybe Shosh could help me with my writing skills.

shoshannah said...

Awww, Missy I just saw this comment! Thank you so much!

shoshannah said...

Jim! So good to hear from you! Let's catch up. We are about an hour east of Sacramento in the mountain. Camino, CA. Who knows how long the Hollon's will be here, but let's get together! I give lessons but they are pretty pricey!! Hahahaha! (Like MY English teacher needs lessons from me!!) :)